Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Secret Language of Sisters by Luanne Rice

So, having finished Rebel last night, I had to start a new book for the plane flight this morning, of course.  And then, being rather wiped out, I've not felt up for much more than reading today.  Thus, I just finished The Secret Language of Sisters.

This book is about two sisters.  One of them crashes while driving and ends up in what appears to be a coma.  The other was the one relentlessly texting her.  Of course, both lives change and the girls, their mom and their friends all have to deal with that. 

I had some really mixed feeling about this book.  I felt truly compelled to read it and find out what was going to happen, particularly at first.  That changed a bit for me toward the middle when it felt like the story went from some talk about whose fault it was to that being the focus of the story, almost more than the sister relationship or the attempts at rebuilding lives.  Also, I only sort of liked Tilly, the sister who wasn't in the accident.  I felt like how long it would take for Roo to express herself with the letter board was seriously glossed over.  And, lastly on the complaints, I felt like all the echos of sisters was a little contrived.  However, I also, as I mention, really wanted to read it.  And I wanted things to work out for people, at least a much as possible given the situation, showing I was invested.

So, take all that as you will.  I think I'll stick with mixed.

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